
IBM MQ 5.3 如何匯出Qmgr

使用IBM MQ探險家也沒有匯出的功能,這樣其實在一些備份或是Cluster時,滿困擾的,不過你也知道IBM就是喜歡用SupportPacs等等的方式,ms03這個SupportPacs就是可以匯出Qmgr中所有的資訊也可以選擇想要的,以下是他的連結



saveqmgr -m xxx -v 53 -o xxx.cfg

-m 指定需要匯出的Qmgr名稱
-v 版本
-o 匯出後檔案名稱

Usage is:
./saveqmgr. [options], where [options] are one or more of the following optional switches
-h | -? : gives help (this)
-v version : determines which version of MQSC to generate
and can be '2','5','51','52','53' or '6'
The default is to generate mqsc at the version of the connected queue manager
-m lqmgr : is the name of the local qmgr to connect (MQCONN)
-r rqmgr : is the name of the remote qmgr (XMITQ name)
-f [file] : allows the output file to be named,
if -f is not specified, the output file defaults to SAVEQMGR.TST
if -f is specified without a filename, it is named "qmgrname".MQS.
-o : specifies to replace (overwrite) the output file
if the -o flag is not specified, then the default is to append if the file exists
(on iSeries, *REPLACE,*APPEND must be specified after the -o flag)
-F [file] : behaves the same as -f except no header line is created in the output file
(and CURDEPTH, ALTDATE and ALTTIME are not reported)
-c : directs output to STDOUT and overrides use of -f flag
-s : suppress creation of objects that begin with "SYSTEM*"
-R : create RESET CHANNEL commands for non-client/svrconn channels
-p : Create 'local queue' definitions from PERMDYN queues.
-i : Ignore 'pcf' error codes 'damaged object' 'unknown object'.
Sets RetCode to WARNING if this error encountered.
-q : Quiet mode, do not issue warning about unknown PCF attributes
-1 : generate entire DEFINE command on one line (which does NOT include ALTDATE etc)
-2 : on a 2nd line, generate the DEFINE as a comment (which DOES include ALTDATE etc)

The Client version of this program supports these additional flags:

If either the -a or -x switch is used, then MQCONNX will be used for the client connection
-a host : is the address of the host for a client connection (default is "localhost")
-x channel : is the SVRCONN name for a client connection (default is "SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN")
-C cipher spec : indicates to use an SSL cipher spec for this client connection
-k key repository : name of key respository directory if using SSL for client connection
-eX channel exit: X = 'y' for security, 's' for send, 'r' for receive
-dX "channel exit data": X = 'y' for security, 's' for send, 'r' for receive

Notes on the '-v' flag:

Normally, the "-v (version)" flag does not need to be specified. saveqmgr will
automatically generate the correct level of MQSC based on the CMDLEVEL setting
of the queue manager that it is connected to. So, if it is connected to a v5.3
queue manager, it will generate v5.3 compatible mqsc, regardless of the actual
level of saveqmgr itself. The "-v" flag should only be needed to generate back-level
MQSC. For example, if saveqmgr is connected to a V6 queue manager and you want to
generate v5.3 MQSC.



使用Apache Http Server進行Proxy和LoadB alance

環境概述 OS:Linux Apache Http Server:2.2.21 安裝可以使用rpm或是抓source下來compile,建議前者 rpm –ivh apache-http-xxx.rpm 這裡請注意一下安裝的版本 http.conf 參數設定 Proxy < VirtualHost *:80>      ProxyPass targetPath fromPath | fromUrl < VirtualHost/>  範例如下 < VirtualHost *:80>      ProxyPass /app http://DomainName或IP:8888/app      ProxyPassReverse /app http://DomainName或IP:8888/app < VirtualHost/> 上述的參數設定為,將某主機的http通訊協定下的Web application(app),對應到本台Web Server的app下。這樣的Proxy架構的設定對企業內的Web應用程式相當有用處,若是遇到Web Application Server掛點只需要修改Proxy對應,不需要動到dns等等,是個滿便宜的Proxy架構設定喔。﹝不過要注意Web Application要注意redirectc和forward等的撰寫,盡量不要有絕對IP的出現﹞

IBM MQ Server To Server的簡易設定

IBM MQ 的STS建置方式,IBM Red Book已經說明的滿完整的,這裡稍微整理一下,步驟如下 在 MQ-A Server MQ QMGR(MQA) 上需要建立的物件定義如下: • 遠端佇列定義 PAYROLL.QUERY • 傳輸佇列定義 MQB(預設 = 遠端佇列管理程式名稱) • 程序定義 MQA.TO.MQB.PROCESS(對於 WebSphere MQ for AIX、HP-UX、Solaris 與 Windows,及 MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 UNIX 與 OS/2 Warp,並非必要) • 傳送端通道定義 MQA.TO.MQB • 接收端通道定義 MQB.TO.MQA • 本端佇列定義 MQ2 以下是必須建立在 MQ-B Server MQ QMGR(MQB) 中的物件定義: • 遠端佇列定義 PAYROLL.RESPONE • 傳輸佇列定義 MQA(預設值=遠端佇列管理程式名稱) • 程序定義 MQB.TO.MQA.PROCESS(對於 WebSphere MQ for AIX、HP-UX、Solaris 與 Windows,及 MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 UNIX 與 OS/2 Warp,並非必要) • 傳送端通道定義 MQB.TO.MQA • 接收端通道定義 MQA.TO.MQB • 本端佇列定義 MQ4 1.先啟動MQ-A Server上的QMGR(MQA),並使用Runmqsc進入。 2.在佇列管理程式 MQA 上執行下列指令。 遠端佇列定義 DEFINE QREMOTE(PAYROLL.QUERY) DESCR('MQA 的遠端佇列') REPLACE + PUT(ENABLED) XMITQ(MQB) RNAME(MQ4) RQMNAME(MQB) 註: 遠端佇列定義並非實體的佇列,但卻是引導訊息至傳輸佇列 (MQB) 的一種方式,以便能將訊息送至佇列管理程式 MQB。 傳輸佇列定義 DEFINE QLOCAL(MQB) DESCR('對 MQB 的傳輸佇列') REPLACE + USAGE(XMITQ) PUT(ENABLED) GET(ENABLED) TRIGGER TRIGTYPE(FIRST) + INITQ(SYSTEM.CHANN


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